Austin Kaiser's profile

Facebook Management at Game Theory

Hello! I work as a Community Manager for the Youtube channel Game Theory. If you like video games at all, I highly encourage you check it out. The purpose of Game Theory is to combines gaming and education through entertainment. Our videos cover culture, history, sociology, physics and more - all through the lense of video games! Fun right?

The channel has 2.7M subscribers currently. My primary job is managing our Facebook page of 120K fellow Theorists.  My job, simply put, is to have a conversation. I converse to fellow Theorists by curating creative content and that I think they might find value in. Have a look and enjoy!
The Game Theory Museum 

Below are examples of fan submitted art which I compile and marvel over in our Game Theory Museum. The Game Theory Museum is a hub I created in order to store, display, and discuss submitted fan art.  Users have sent in drawings, 3D rendering, Minecraft originals, original web comics, and even a clay sculpture (how cool is that?). My biggest goals are to inspire our Facebook audeince to create, and not only that, but to discuss and interact with one another about their creations. Since the creation of the album our fan submissions have multipled. I am happy to say our audience is highly talented and very social, so it really was just a matter of giving them a little spotlight =) 
Above submitted work credited to Tamim Al-Khatib, Tim Buhrs, Alex Stairs, and Evan Gilmore rescpectively.  
Good stuff right? The variety and quality consistently impresses me. I am thankful to have such a creative and responsive community to work with.
Surveys and Data Analysis 
Below  are screenshots from an ongoing crowdsourcing activity I am experimenting with. I post Google Surveys to the Game Theory page, the community votes, and we discuss the data! Who doesn't enjoy some good data analysis now and then, right? Below are screen shots from our poll, "Where do you find your gaming news?"

If you're interested in seeing more, please click here!
Notice that Other has a really large amount of votes? Can you guess what news sources I missed? Two big contendors, Reddit and Blogs.
Sharing and Collaborating
Also worth noting is the fun I have collaborating content with other relevant Facebook pages. I share content whenever I can in order to give exposure to smaller pages, to expose my audience to new internet resources, and because it's fun! I like seeing the Page Likes spike on the smaller page over the next few days. It helps give me an understanding about my audience and what they enjoy.

For example I often share content from an FB page that curates web comics. Where could I possibly find higher quality stuff? If I find a comic that is relevant to gaming or my audience's taste, I share it.  
You can see the actual post HERE.
And when the post is shared on Game Theory, my audience tends to storm the source page and send it a ton of likes. A win-win!
Finally,  I will also showcase some good exmaples of lessons learned. As a Community Manager often you encounter particularly vocal supporters whom may lend themselves to less productive conversation. I have had a lot of success with trying  to mediate these aggresive comments, as opposed to ignoring or deleteing them. I find most aggressive commenters are usually someone who has simply has a bad day.
And when some fan art recieves some unneccessarily rude comments, we have to defend our talented contributor!
That's all! Hope you enjoyed. Feel free to see the flesh and blood Facebook page here.
Not to be ignored, we also have experienced very signifanct statistical growth on a short and long-term basis =)
Facebook Management at Game Theory

Facebook Management at Game Theory

Hello. Here lies a series of screenshots that well-document my experience doing social media and community management for Game Theory, the Youtub Read More
